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Article: Libra Season — Famous Libras, character traits, and horoscopes

Libra Season — Famous Libras, character traits, and horoscopes - LATELITA

Libra Season — Famous Libras, character traits, and horoscopes

It’s officially September and as we welcome the changing of our weather’s seasons, we also welcome the change from one season of the zodiac to the next. Balanced, peaceful and clever this month we’re celebrating the only zodiac represented by an object rather than a being: Libra.

libra zodiac constellation

The start of Libra season 2021

Congratulations on your trip around the Sun Libra dear! It’s likely been a tricky year for you and a challenge to the indecision that tends to stir trouble in your life; on the other hand, it’s been a gratifying period, with those same challenges leading you to take a stand on the decisions you’ve faced. With the Full Moon in Pisces on September 20, you should find yourself feeling fresh after adjusting the structure of your daily routine. Following, just two days later on the 22nd is the Fall equinox, which coincides with your official birthday — not only should your birthday be bringing a change of energy to the stars, but to the colour of the leaves. Let loose and take a breath of the fresh autumnal air, because on the 27th Mercury enters into retrograde and you’ll begin the process of patching up the traumas of past relationships. Don’t be afraid Libra!

Remember, you’re the scales of the zodiac, a symbol of balance: keeping the peace is in your nature. Only sometimes, in order to keep the peace, we must lean in one direction and take action. To celebrate yourself and keep your true Libra nature by your side (or rather on your body), shop a selection of pieces from our zodiac jewellery collection!

Libra: the scales that keep their world in balance

libra mother of pearl necklace

“Happiness is when what you think, what you say, and what you do are in harmony.” Said Mahatma Gandhi, a Libra who in that quote, summed up much of what being born under the season of the scale entails. Like their zodiac symbol in the sky, these September and October borns are all about maintaining balance: both in the relationship they hold with themselves and with others. Libras are full of positive traits and any Libra reading that just became more positive as they’re not the type to turn down a compliment. Quite popular amongst the zodiacs, Libras tend to be social creatures who shine for their diplomacy, idealism, cleverness, and charming nature.

Of course, keeping the peace isn’t always so simple, and Libras may struggle with indecision and overthinking the consequences of shifting the balance one way or the other. It’s not uncommon to find them weighing the pros and cons and eventually reaching a decision after it’s too late or only just before the deadline. Don’t worry Libra, the world’s not going to end if you go left, right, up or down!

libra mother of pearl necklace

Romance & companionship

In keeping the balance and being fun-loving social creatures, Libras are known to be giving. They’ll spoil their partners to no end and sometimes unwisely. Of course, in their givingness is also a love for receiving and self-indulgence. Libras tend to feel like they’re at the centre of the world whilst managing the balance and this can make for their over-analyzation and concern for life’s superficialities. If you’re planning to treat that special Libra in your life, consider a piece

mother of pearl gemstone zodiac pendant rosegold necklaces

from our zodiac jewellery collection or a birthstone of theirs: make it clear just how appreciated they are. Afterwards, enjoy as they come to life, and share that appreciation back.

Pink Tourmaline: healing with love

pink tourmaline october birthstone jewellery necklace

For the majority of Libras (those born in October), Pink Tourmaline serves as your birthstone — the perfect complimentary gem to ease the stresses that can accompany keeping the balance. A symbol for the love of humanity, this precious pink stone is known for calming the emotions during difficult times: a true healing stone of the heart, which may prove useful when Mercury enters retrograde. For the Libras born in September, please refer to our previous post on the stone of wisdom and peace: Blue Sapphire.

Iconic Libras:

famous libras kim k

Libras aren’t short of being in the spotlight, love them or not (we know you love them), they’re social butterflies and considerable talents. From past cultural icons like Gandhi and John Lennon to well, modern cultural icons like Kim Kardashian West and Cardi B — one thing for certain, Libras are iconic.

Kim Kardashian West: To not mention her would be to not mention possibly the most famous woman in the world? Or, at least in pop culture for that matter. Between her binge-television show Keeping Up With The Kardashians and her many entrepreneurial endeavours, Kim K has managed to reach both billionaire status and global icon all at the age of 40.

John Lennon: Born October 9, the ‘War is Over’, musician, songwriter, and rebellious voice was both a Beatle and a Libra. While he may have never been one to stray away from controversy, his message, in true Libra fashion, was always about peace.

Gwenyth Paltrow: We originally came to know her as an actress with quite a range. From her award-winning performance in Shakespeare in Love to blockbusters in the Marvel and Avengers series. We’ve since come to love Mrs Paltrow more as a cultural figure and voice, under the umbrella of her efforts in women’s wellness through Goop.

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